Monday, November 17, 2008


We landed and the first thing i did was I grabbed a newspaper with OBAMA on the cover!!!! YAYAYAY Go OBAMA. It was so much fun and we got MSNBC feed magically on the ship. I helped organize an elections day watch party in the Union and I was running around getting results for 7 hours, but it was all worth it! People were sitting in the Union crying and cheering as Obama came on for his speech. It was awesome and the few republicans that were there watching cleared out then. It was kinda funny. I was just so happy that day, I can't get over it!

China was 100% overwhelming. I think my exhaustion from the past 6 weeks caught up with me in China. We have been in a new country every week for the past 6 weeks I think and we haven't had a break from all the running so i was so tired! I don't want to make like what I saw was nothing, because the Great Wall was amazing and the Temple of Heaven, the Forbidden City, and the Summer palace (which was my favorite i cannot describe how beautiful the gardens are) were all amazing places. But, I left the Temple of Heaven and the Forbidden city and I didn't feel anything about them. I can appreciate them but i got no enjoyment from being there. beijing right now is freezing! And my experience as a whole was frustrating there-- in a good way though cause everyone needs to be shaken when they are traveling at least once! No one speaks english so communicating is hard, especially with cabs, the majority of which never understood us or would take us back to our hotel in the middle of an enormous university- Tsinghua University. The food was pretty bad actually as well, it was bland and very fatty, had some great rice though! The people are also very vulgar, is guess is all i can say, they push and shove and don't really care that you are standing there and they are all spitting and coughing up mucus right and left, probably because the air is so dirty. One girl had a really bad asthma attack because the air was so dirty. Our final day there was so smoggy that you could hardly see 100 feet away! We saw the olympic stadiums as well, which was fun and cool to be there. There is this crazy market as well- the silk street markets which was absolutely insane, we found fake uggs and any designer, even jeans there! It was just a lot of fun being in the crazyness-- everyone is calling and grabbing you- literally - saying "lady lady what you looking for i give you good price." over and over, and this wasn't just in the china ones, in every market we have been to it was the same thing, but i loved it. It was fun going through the markets and seeing how things differed or stayed the same from country to country!

I loved Shanghai and Hong Kong much more so than Beijing- although a friend of ours was killed in Hong Kong so it was a huge shock, something we are still dealing with. Its hard to believe that this would happen because you hear about it but you never believe it will happen. Thinking about what his family is going through makes me sick and makes us all realize how careful we need to be because we are traveling in foreign places. He has a twin back home and I just keep thinking about what it would be like to go through that if I lost any of my 3 sisters. I don't know how I would get through it. I just hope for the best for his family.

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