Sunday, September 28, 2008


Namibia was amazing! We pulled into Walvis bay a small, industrial port town on the coast. It was such a small town, but it was so weird because they have been doing so much building (for the world cup) so it is pretty developed. I felt like it was a small town in any middle american state! But as soon as you leave Walvis bay you are engulfed by the Namib Desert. I can't even express how beautiful the desert is. Sand dunes go on for miles and miles and fade in and out of this moonlandscape, rock formations that are believed to be the oldest in the world. On my first day there I got a 6 hour tour of the desert and we climb some of the moonlandscapes and some dunes, which are sooo hard to climb cause you never seemingly never get anywhere! We spent most of our nights in the neighboring town, Swakopmund (are you sensing the german colonial influence yet?) We were on the beach and exploring the town a bit. But I am so proud of Jocie, one day we did sand boarding and ATV riding over the dunes. They have some crazy sports here and you can go snowboarding but on sand. Jocie was scarred to sand board, but she did it anyways and then had a great time! I can't say enough about all the locals we met. They were so nice and we willing to help us out with anything. We befriended Nana, a cab driver, who became our personal driver sort of. He would pick us up and then come out to dinner with us and we would buy him drinks and all (when he wasn't driving us). We had an amazing time in Namibia, I just wish we could have gone up North, but that is for our next trip back!

We have landed in Cape Town and we are so excited to see this great city!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

al! hey i'm sorry i haven't said anything sooner. i've been keeping up with your blog though and it seems like you're having the time of your life! i'm so happy for you and so jealous :) hope you keep having the best time, i'll try to comment more often.. the first time i tried i thought i had to make a whole ID and ended up deleting it. typical.

anyways love you and misssss you girlie, i'm counting down till i see your pretty face again! keep writing so i can live through you when school is getting unbearable :)