Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Onward to Brazil!

We are headed to Brazil!! We arrive on Sunday Sept 7th and I can’t wait to see Brazil!! All of our classes in some way or another are devoted to learning something about Brazilian culture. We have been learning about Candomblé - the religion of spirit possession and its origins from Africa. I have been reading a bunch of articles on how Candomblé and even though I find the whole thing bizarre, I can see how it is similar to many western religions and figures those religions pray to. I also picked up a 5th class. Right now I am not sure as to why on earth I would do that because for every class we have TONS of reading. But I really like all of my classes so I can’t complain past the enormous amount of reading we have to do. My 5th class is Anthropology of Tourism, which I think actually is going to help me understand my impact as I enter these countries. Tourist tend to negatively impact the places they go, so maybe this will teach me to be more conscious of how I am viewed and how I treat locals. Also I just find the whole thing interesting, stepping back and analyzing exactly what I am doing. I am on a cruise ship, which is essentially a tourist ship, that is going all over the world, so I think I am really going to like this class. We signed up for some more trips, and I really hope I get this one to China where we go everywhere - the Forbidden city, the Great wall, Tiananmen Square, the Olympic places, temples and then get to interact with university students which I think will be awesome. The weather has been split so far, today was gorgeous, but we have had some storms and the boat has been sooo rocky cause of the hurricanes I guess, I don’t know though. We had to change course a bit to avoid some storm other than Gustav, and then we picked up speed to compensate so that made the rocking even worse. Crossing the Atlantic is going to be interesting is all I can say. We are getting closer to the equator, and yes mom jocie and I are wearing sunscreen, don’t worry! Its day 5 and already I am sick of the food- we have pasta and undistinguishable meats for lunch and dinner so I am basically a vegetarian now out of necessity, but I really can’t complain about anything else! That’s all for now.


ronaldo said...

At least you won't have to worry about gaining weight. There are 3 Hurricanes now in line to effect our weather. This weekend may be a mess. Mom enjoying the Republican convention. Sniff has only jumped the fence 50 times. We had a snake in the pool area, Brady oblivious. Jersey says hi. Love Dad

carolyn said...

ali!!! i miss you guys and i hope you are having soooo much fun, it sounds like you are. i am jealous of the beautiful weather and excited to read about your adventures! you can read my blog too (lame, haha). i love you girls, have the time of your lives!

Colleen said...

ali! it sounds like youre having an amazing time. i cant believe you picked up a 5th class, you are ridiculous. how do i get in touch with you both? i tried to send jocie a facebook message, but melissa said your internet is weird on the boat? let me know! send me an email or something, mason.co@neu.edu

i miss you both. its weird being in jocies room without you two!

ronaldo said...

It's raining and raining and raining. Just hit Wegman's with Rachel and collected stuff for the first care package. Love all the emails and can't wait to hear about the Brazilian adventures. Tomorrow is the first Ravens home game and I am really pissed that you are not here to take my place, but I will go and enjoy. Can't wait for you phone call tomorrow. Love and kisses and hugs, Mom (and don't forget sunscreen.)!!!